This is another dress that I halfway made up. The half that I followed a pattern for was the top. This is the pattern I used.
Whenever I make things up there are always things that I would do differently if I were to do it over, but hey you live, you learn. I think it turned out pretty well.
I am in love with the fabrics. And actually, Aaron is the one that spotted them when we were at the fabric store. He just knows me so well. Butterflies, sparkles, pretty colors- what's not to love?
I wanted it to have plenty of ruffles, which is why I chose this particular pattern for the top.
The thing that I would change if I were to do it over is to make the ruffles on the skirt bigger and the first ruffle on the skirt higher us. I made them to be the same size as the ones on the neckline, but I think that on the skirt they would look better bigger. So, basically I would make the skirt more ruffly. But I am still pretty happy with it. I can't wait to put it on Lena. I will add pictures of her in it, if she will hold still well enough for me to take any. :)